Let's say you have the following space-separated file long.txt giving the heart rate (column 2) and longevity (column 3) of various species.
cat 150 15
chicken 275 15
hamster 450 3
rabbit 205 9
elephant 30 70
whale 20 80
giraffe 66 20
human 70 70
Calculate the average longevity of the species in the whole data set.awk '{count+=$3} END {print count/NR}' long.txt
Count the number of animals with a heart rate greater than 70 beats per minute.
awk '($2 > 70) {++count} END {print count}' long.txt
Find the average longevity of all species with heart rate greater than 70 beats per minute.
awk '($2 > 70) {count++;long+=$3} END {print long/count}' long.txt
Count number of lines that do not contain chicken.
grep -v chicken long.txt | wc
Replace cat 150 15 by dog 90 15.
sed -i 's/"cat 150 15"/"dog 90 15"/g' long.txt
If you want to know more about awk and sed: sed and awk Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
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